Perceptions and Practices on Alternative Basic Education in Pastorral Woredas of Borana Zone: Oromia National Regional State

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Addis Ababa University


The plllpose of this study was to identify the existing gap between how ABE program is perceived and the way it was practiced in pastoral woreclas of Borana zone. Further intention to identify major impediments of the program in its implementation was also given consideration in the study. To this effect descriptive survey design was employed in the study. Relevant literature was reviewed and secondary data from Borana zone Education qUice and annual educational abstracts from OEB and MOE were obtained. Primary data were gathered from j 7 CMC members and 24 ABE pupils using focus-group discussions. A total of 76 facilitators (/7 from GOs and 59 from NGOs), 33 education experts and 5 NGOfocal persons were also involved and provide data through questionnaire. Respondents were selected by applying, availability, purposive and stratified sampling. Data obtained through focus group discussion was examined qualitatively. Those from questionnaire were analyzed using percentage one-way ANOVA, Chisquire and grand mean afier processed in SPSS The results indicated that ABE pupils perceive ABE as a place of knowing how to read, write and compute minor mathematics. CAlC members also regarded ABE as important to their children. Even though alfitudes toward ABE werefound positive the needs to pastoral parents to meet through the program were not well treated by implementers. ABE schedule for instance was run under formal academic calendar on the preference of facilitators. The community was also not involved in the recruitment of facilitators which led the program to be regarded as obligation in the eyes of pastoralists. Distance to ABE centers and clash between neighboring clans were found to be the mCU'or obstacles of pastoral children from going ABE centers. Bes ides, woreda education offiials were less alfentive in the schooling facilities and supervisOlY services of the program. On the top of this, high tum over and the need for on-the-job training were problems to be solved on the part of facilitators. Though NGOs alfempted to provide ABE in Borana they are still required of establishing more centers and improve school facilities of the program. Hence there are perception and implementation problems on the ongoing ABE program in the pastoral woredas of Sorana zone. Community forums, short-term training programs, making ABE scheduleflexible as preferred by pastoral parents, establishing additional centers, improving the quality of local resources, and starting linkage befl,veen ABE center and first-cycle formal prill101Y schools arranging visits and sport, drama, music and folklore sessions are recommended so as to strengthen the ABE programme in pastoralworedas of BOI'ana zone.



Basic Education in Pastorral Woredas
