Urban Expansion and the Livelihood of the Peri-Urban Agricultural Community: The Case of Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa University


Throughout its history Addis Ababa city has undergone a horizontal expansion pattern. Present expansion program implemented by the city administration is through intervention projects that are large in scale and size. Bole Kotebe, Bole Bulbula, Malekanisa Labu and Keraniyo Booke are peripheries of the city where the largest projects of residential expansion are being implemented dislocating the farming community from these areas. This study investigates the effects of the expansion of the city on the livelihood of the dislocated farm ing communi ty in these areas. Household survey, participatory group discussions and key informants interviews were used to assess the situation. The results of the study indicated that the implemented expansion program is not participatory and have marginalized the farming community. The compensation schemes envisaged for the loss of assets excluded youth and women. The dislocation program implemented is not rehabilitative and negatively affected the livelihood of the dislocated farm ing communi ty. Furthennore, the study revealed that women and children are major victims to livelihood crisis. The coping mechanism/strategy adopted by the majority of the dislocated farmers is casual that is directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture, which is being vanished in the area. Dislocation program that may be proposed in the future needs comprehensive planning and implementation to ensure community part icipation and create alternative livelihood. Key words: urban expansion, dislocation, displacement, and livelihood, farming community, compensation, periphery and Addis Ababa.



urban expansion, dislocation, displacement, and livelihood, farming community, compensation, periphery and Addis Ababa
