Density and Functional Mix in the Inner-city Kebele Housing: The Case of Kebele 02 in Woreda 01 Lideta Sub-city, Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
Addis Ababa’s Primacy is high and the city is faced with fast demographic growth and sprawl.
Accommodating the increasing population is becoming the new task and horizontal expansion
is not possible. So the City’s administration has planned to follow compact city policies and
intends to further densify existing inner-city neighborhoods’ especially near the transit line.
This research tries to describe in detail the density and functional mix of the study area using
multiple measures at neighborhood, compound, and housing unit levels. And it also explores
different ways to bring a compact form for KHU dwellers. This descriptive and inferential
research employs mainly the Survey of 234 housing units using a stratified sampling method.
This was also supported by 32 qualitative interviews, an Observational study, focus group
discussion, and secondary data analysis. And in the analysis, the thesis uses descriptive and
statistical analysis supported by quantitative computations of correlation analysis. The results
of the study reveal that the compounds with kebele housing units and the Kebele houses are
the main reasons for the area to have a higher level of density in all measures when compared
to average city density. According to a mix of functions, the area has a higher value in land use diversity and mixedness indexes; a low level of intensity; a higher level of efficiency; and
functional incompatibility. Also the transformation of housing has influenced the density and
mix of function much. The research finally stresses the need for multiple measures in both
aspects that allow the construction of models and detailed descriptions to understand the
urban form. It also recommends choosing a more appropriate type of measure that is fit for
the context of the area. Then recommends considering all factors that influence the density
and mix of functions to attain the claimed results of development. And based on the form it
recommends providing housing forms, especially for the existing dwellers that enable them
to transform their unit for their subsequent family or for renting.
Functional Mix in the Inner-city Kebele Housing