Prevalence oF Ahti - Hiv Antiilodies in Prostitutes and Their Clients in Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa University


AcquiEcJ Synclrome (AIDS), by Humon Immunod~flciuncy Virus (HIV), is becoming a world challenge and concerno To determine the prevalence 0f onti-HIV ~ntih0di~s Bmong groups of high risk behaviour in Addis AbahA, 494 suhjects (mu~n OgD 27.9, rongD 12-75 years) were st"died. The study group comprised 177 prostitutes (153 from Addis Ababa, 24 from Chencha), 140 malo clients (130 from Addis Abnba, 10 frnm the c',untryside), and 177 controls both fr0m Addis Ababa Bnd the rural areas. Out cf the Addis Ababa group 9 (5.8%) of th0 prostitutes ond 4 (3%) of the male clients Were found to be sEropGsitivE by b"th ELISA and Western blot tcstso In the scrOl,ositivc prostitutes the peak prevalence (55.5%) nccurcd in those aged 15-24 years and in serOI,usitive male cli~nts (75%) Gccurred in the 25-34 years age nroup. Th~ infactil)n rat~ between f~mnl0 prostitutes and male cli~nts was f0und t~) IJe 2~5 to 1. With thE cKccption of one male client, prevalence of antih()dy was not associated with clinical symptoms. This limitEd sero-Lpidemiologicol study has determined seropositive individuals within tllO Addis Ababa regiono The low number of ser(lr{Jsitive indivic]uals in these high risk behaviour groups, when compared with reports fr~m other African) c()untries, may suggest a more recent establishment 0f "IV infection in Addis Ababa.




