Factors related voluntary mv and counseling and testing in an Urban Community of Ethiopia

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Addis Abeba Universty


A cross-sectional study was carried out from March 2000 to Apr il 2000 among the age group of 15-49 year populmi on of Harar town. to determine the factors related with intention of Voluntary HIV co unse ling and testing (VCT). A multi-stage sampling method was used to select 720 stud y subj ects fl'Om residents of Harar town. Both quantitative and quali tative data co ll ection methods were utili zed. More than three-fourth (85,4%) of the study subjects claimed to have inte ntion of hav ing VCT; and about three-fou rth (73.9%) had intention of asking partner(s) to seek for VCT. On mu lti-va riate analysis condom use (OR=2J), not initiating sexual practice (OR=2,4), positive attitude (OR= 104) and sa lient belief (OR=1.2) towards VCT were positive predi ctors of intention of having VCT. Being never married (OR= 1.9), pos itive attitude (OR= 1.2), subj ective norm (OR= I J) and sal ient belief (OR= 13) towards VCT were positive predictors of intention of aski ng partner(s) to get VCT. On gender based multi-vari ate analys is being never married (OR=23) was sign ificant pred ictor on ly among male subj ects and not initiat ing sexual practice (OR=4. 7) was sign ifi ca nt predictor only among female subj ects. Confidential HI Vtesting and face-to-face counseling by phys icians, trained persons and religious leaders were fo und to be the most preferred method of service delivery. Majority of su bj ects could afford to pay less th an 10 birr for the VCT service. The major reasons identifi ed for not having intention of VCT were fear of posit ive resu lt and stigma attached to AIDS. As cultural norms and attitude towards VCT have sign ificant impact on acceptance of VCT, program implementers shou ld address the issue by involvi ng community leaders and using community and cultural gatherings to advocate benefi ts of VCT, to reduce fear of pos itive resu lt and stigma attached to AIDS. To expand the service to the community at large cost issue should be well addressed.



Factors related voluntary HIV

