Influence of Attitude on Mobile Banking Adoption: The Case of Dashen and United Banks in Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa University


The aim of this study was to assess the influence of attitude on mobile banking adoption in Ethiopia: the case of Dashen and United banks in Addis Ababa. In so doing, factors influencing attitude toward mobile banking and the influence of attitude and its corresponding strength on intention to adopt mobile banking were assessed. In addition to these primary objectives, assessing the significance of variations in socio-demographic variables on attitude and intention to adopt mobile technology was part of this study. Descriptive and causal research design was employed. Stratified sampling method was used to collect quantitative and qualitative data from individuals who subscribed for mobile banking service of Dashen Bank and United Bank i.e. Amole and Hibir respectively. Accordingly, 394 usable questionnaires were obtained and used for further analysis. SPSS version 21 was used to analyze the collected data. The collected data were analyzed using central tendency (median), measure of dispersion (standard deviation), independent sample T-test, ANOVA, correlation & regression analysis. Interviews were conducted with subscribers with different mobile banking usage frequency. To develop the models used for analysis, inputs from TAM, ToT, trust and the concept of attitude strength was used. The results of the analysis indicate that among the socio-demographic factors included in this study occupation, mobile banking usage status and usage frequency significantly influence both attitude and intention while monthly income and service provider significantly influence intention only. The regression outputs indicate that the factors that influence attitude toward mobile banking are perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and trust. Similarly, attitude toward success, attitude toward process/learning and attitude strength significantly influence intention to adopt mobile banking while attitude toward failure had an insignificant influence on intention. Based on the findings, the researcher forwarded recommendations to enhance mobile banking adoption. These are improving reliability, awareness creation, emphasize on making mobile banking easier and trustworthy, and creating a situation which necessitates the need to use mobile banking.



Attitude strength, Factors influencing attitude, Perceived usefulness, Trust
