La préparation du français pour les participants à la formation de l’École de guerre de Paris: (Le cas des officiers supérieur militaire de l’Éthiopie)

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Addis Ababa University


This research aims at to indicate the difficulties faced towards the initial preparation in French language of the higher Ethiopian military officers sent to the Paris War School for the training at the school since the training program continued. In this objective, the questionnaires were distributed to the candidates and their initial preparation for the language were analyzed, the department of French language of the Paris War School was selected for interview, and different materials were examined for determining the challenges the officers were confronted towards their initial preparation and during their training at the school. According to the data collected and conclusion held, the initial preparation of the French had the problem of time consistency and uniformity, the participants had insufficient language competency in French and this initial preparation was not adapted according to the situation of the training given at the Paris War School because of those participated on the training were new for the language and had not background before. The initial language preparation given here in Ethiopia was not assure the training given at the War School because this preparation was focused on the French base and general French as they have not knew the language before. At the end, all participants were not satisfied as they were not received all the necessary military knowledge transmitted by French language at the Paris War School. At the end, based on the findings obtained from the study and conclusion held above, the researcher was recommended to the Embassy and Defense Attaché of the France do more by increased emphasis on French language teaching/learning in different sectors of Ethiopian National Defense Forces, it is better if Ethiopian National Defense Force has a language center at different sectors and the higher Ethiopian military officers use the language in many situations and scenarios as possible for the great contribution during their initial French language learning.



