A Study of the Practice of Strategic Issues Management in Addis Ababa Food, Medicine and Health Care Administration and Control Authority
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Addis Ababa University
Strategic issues management is systematicenvironmental surveillance and filtering processes
embedded in the organizational structure.It helps to anticipate issues, to project and
communicate their probable impacts on the organization, formulate policies, and actions that
implement strategic thinking and influence public policy debates. The objective of this study was
to know the practice of strategic issues management in Addis AbabaFood, Medicine and Health
care Administration and Control Authority (FMHACA).In this workthe study design was mixed
method. The researcher used primary data, which is information collected for the first time
byusing interview guide to collect data from 60 respondents: 2 managers, 23 experts, 10 stake
holders and 25 Addis Ababa residents. And content analysis methodwas used for documents
ofpublic complaintsregistering, regular inspection registering, the organizations 2009 E.C BPR
standard document, and 2010 E.C yearly magazine of the authority.Regarding sampling
techniques purposive sampling technique was used for issue management related experts and
managers andConvenience samplingtechnique used for Addis Ababa residents and stakeholders.
The finding of this study demonstrate mostly faced Issuesare food adulteration, illegal medicine,
under standard foods, sex tourism in massage houses, poor waste management, expired foods
and medicines, sound pollution, illegal medicine, and clinical disorder. Among these the main
and frequently faced issue is food adulteration.The impact of food adulteration is being cause for
several non-communicable diseases like diabetics, kidney problems, malnutrition and many
others.Butthere are many challenges to treat issues of food adulteration. The main challenges
are technological incompetence, mainlyfood laboratory which is the basic instrument to identify
food adulteration. It is not available in the country and other laboratories cannot identify it well.
So, experts are forced to judgefood adulteration by observation only, which is subjective and
exposed for abuse. In contrast the court used the misleading laboratory result as reference which
motivates adulteratorsto be free of responsibility and being additional burden of the health
sector. The other challenges are awareness problem of the public and legal bodies as well as
selfishness of some merchants.So, the study recommends: to empower the authority by
technology and skilled man power as well as to aware stakeholders legal bodies, and residents.