Assessment of Local Farmers' Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change: The Case of Geshe Woreda North Shoa Zone, Amahara Region
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Addis Ababa University
The main objective of this study was to assess th e adaptive capacity of fmmers to climate change 1n
terms of access and possession of key livelihood assets in three traditional agro - ecology (Dega,
Weinadega , an d kola) of the study area . A total of 133 households were selec ted nvm three kebelesMezerazir
(kola). Wogit (WeJfladega) and Giraramba kebeles (Dega) by using random samphng
techniques for th e study Descriptive statistics and Chi square test were used to analysis fmmers'
perceptions, adaptive capacity and adaptation strategies. In addition the adaptive capacity indices were
caJculated by using L VI approach in tenns of access and possession of key livelihood assets. The data
coJIected from FGD, KI and secondary source of data were analyzed by triangulating wJth household
survey 711e result shows S5% of the fanners in the study area perceive increas1ng in temperature and
there is no difference between fm m ers' perception and the recorded temperature data. However 9 ] % of
the respondent perceive decreasing precipitation trend which is in line with the 'Kremt' season
recorded data. According to the chi square result there is a perception difference 1n age, education and
sex of household h eads. Th e adaptive capacity of Mezerazir kebele which represent kola agro-ecology is
low (0. 29S). While that of Wogit kebele (0.42) and Giraramba kebeles (0. 3S]) which represent
Wein adega and Dega agro-ecology respectively are moderate. The most common adaptation strategies
in th e study area Jflclude planting trees around farm land, stone bound, 1'educing the number of herds.
and conscrvation of water and protecl soil erosion. Howe ver lack of knowled ge , shOliage of labor, lack
of financ e, shortage of water and unsuit able topography of land to use irrigat ion , the diffi culty to ge t
fa st growing and droug ht tolerant crop species, and shortag e of land was identifie d as constraints to
adaptation options. The1'efo1'e the government policies and programs should build the adaptive capacity
of fmmers through empowering fanners with skill trmning, 1nfonnation and education improving
natural resource management to 1'educe the ongoing natural 1'esource depletion, improv1ng cl'edit
service provision stl'engthen infOlmal social netwOl*s, imp roving access to agricultural technology
infrastructUJ'e and Jflstitution with accessible distance, and supportlng the existing adaptation strategy
111 terms of technology and finance so as to l'educe the adaptation constraint.
Local Farmers