Factors Affecting Academic Achievement of Female Students: The Case of West Shoa Zone General Secondary Schools

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Addis Ababauniversity


The main purpose of this study is fo investigate some of the factors that affect the academic achievement of female students in general secondary schools of west Shoa Zone. It attempts to identify the major Jactors under two headings: In - school and out- of -school related factors. In order to attain the objectives of the study, a d..escriptive survey method was employed. The study was carried out on five general secondary schools that were selected using random sampling technique form19 high' schools of west shoa zone. The study also involved 300 female students selected randomly from grade 10 and grade 9, 50 teachers' selected randomly, 5 parents of female students selected randomly and 5 school directors and 1 guidance and counselor officer purposely selected form the five sample schools. Documentary analysis, questionnaires and interview were the instruments used for data collection. The data gathered were analyzed using statistical tools such as percentage and chi-s uare . . Based on the results of the analysis, though relative incr-eTnent has been observed in the nz:mger of female students, percentf!15f!s oj female promotion in each year shows that, female students' academic achievement relatively declined -through the years under consideration., Lack of guidance and counseling services for female students, sexual harassment in and around school, distance of school from home and safety to travel to schoo{were some of school relaKdfactors identified for low academic achievement of female students in general secondary schools. . On the other hand, from out-of-school factors, lack of t!me to study at home, lack of parental support, the effect of broken home and low level of parental education were identified as some of causes for low academic achievement of female students in west Shoa Zone. It was also found out that the combined effect of both in school and out -ofschool relatedfactors were important in explaining the factors which affect the academic achievement of female students in general secondary schools of the Zone. It was thus indicated that the factors which affect the academic achievement of female students is a function of variables which emanate from in-school and out-of-school systems. Accordingly, the improvement of these variables will make a considerable change in academic achievement of female students. Therefore, it was recommended that mepsures re.!9ted10 safety to travel to school, school policies on sexual harassment, availability of professionally trained guidance and counselor in the school, teachers training and community sensitization and education be taken to increase academic achievement of female students in general secondary schools of West Shoa Zone



Zone General Secondary Schools
