Determinants of Farmers' Land Management Practices: The Case of Tole District, South West Shewa Lone, Oromia National Regional State

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Addis Ababa University


Land is the most important natural resource evenJWhere in the world and its importance for developing countries like Ethiopia is even 1110re critical due to their heavy dependency on land resources. However, this vital resource is losing its productivih) due to land degradation. TIle overall objective of this research was to identifi) determinant factors of fanners' land management practices in Tole district of Oromia National Regional State. For that a comprehensive research approach which employs both qualitative and qualltitative data was used and data were collected both from priman) and secondan) sources. For primary data collection different data collection techniques which include; household survey, focus group discussions, key informants interviews and personal observation were used. For the household survey, 120 sample household heads were randomly selected from four sample kebeles. For the secondan) data collection different documents were reviewed. TI,e collected data are analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the research show that the district is facing increasing trend of land degradation. Gullies and rills are common features in the district and large area of land is becoming out of use. On the other hand, land management practices by farmers are found to be low in comparison to the level of degradation. This research more specifically attempted to identifi) major factors that determine fanners' decision on two relatively common land management practices, terracing and manure application. Accordingly, educational stalus of farmers, farmers' access to extension services and farmers' training are identified to have significant positive impact both on terracing and manure application. Age of farmers and livestock holding are also iden tified to have significant positive influence on manure application, but not on terracing. Access to credit is identified to have significant negative influence on terracing and male headed households are more likely to practice terracing. Other remaining factors such as farmers' perception on land degradation problem on their own farmland, farm size and number of economically active household members are not found to have significant influence. Based on the findings; fanllers' training, junctional adult literaCl) training, strengthening extension services, enhancing farmers' involvement in design and implementation of land management practices, expansion of non-farm activities to minimize pressure on land aud others are recommended to minimize the problems of 10 lid degradation in the area.



Determinants of Farmers
