Smallholder Dairy Production Technologies Uptake in Mixed Farming System in Dejen Wreda of East Gojjam Zone,Amhara Regional State
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A cross sectional study on smallholder dairy production technologies uptake in mixed
farming systems in Dejen "woreda" was conducted from September 2007 to May 2008 with
the objectives to identify available technologies, their uptake levels and constraints, assess
the influences of these technologies on milk production and reproductive performance of
dairy cattle in the study area. Totally, 240 randomly selected smallholder farmers and six
number of participatory appraisal discussion groups were included in the study. Information
was collected by questionnaire survey, personal observation during farm visits and through
participatory appraisal group discussions. The average family size in the study area was
5.38 ± 1.96 ranging from 1 to 11 persons while the average land holding and livestock size
were lAl± 0.68 and 5.01 TLU respectively. Cattle represented the largest proportion [49.5
% (4.14 TLU)] of the livestock population. Cows were 30.3% of cattle herd and 20% of
them were crossbred. The average daily milk yield was 1.46± 0.99 and 6.01± 3.20 liters for
local and crossbred cows respectively. Totally, 25 dairy technologies practiced by
smallholder farmers were identified in the study area. Technologies that were widely used
(more than 80% uptake levels) were modem endo-parasite treatment, vaccination, estrous
detection and haymaking. Technologies such as pregnancy test, modem ecto-parasite
treatment, total and partial stall feeding, crossbreed cattle, forage development, feed
supplement, artificial insemination (AI), separate type of house, bull station, udder washing
and record keeping were at intermediate uptake level. Modem milk processing, urea treated
straw (UTS) and silage were the least practiced technologies with an uptake level of 1.7 to
14%. Associations of technologies uptake with different farm household characteristics of
smallholders were tasted by using one way ANOV A. Male headed households adopted
significantly (P<0.001) higher number of technologies than female headed households. The
larger the family size the higher the number of technologies adopted (P<O.Ol). Number of
technologies adopted were also significantly (P<O.Ol) increased with the level of education.
Distance from technologies supply site was inversely correlated with technology uptake.
The households that lived with in 10 kilometers radius from technology dissemination
source adopted more number of dairy technologies (P<0.05) than those living beyond that
distance. Technologies had significant effect on milk production and reproductive
performance of dairy cows. Genetics (crossbreeding) had significant effect (P< 0.001) on
. milk production and on reproductive performances of dairy cows. The number of
technologies a dopted by smallholder farms and milk yield 0 f cows h ad a positive linear
relationship in both local and crossbred cows. Feed scarcity, unavailability of technologies
like improved cattle breed, forage seed, AI and veterinary services, inadequate extension
service, financial problem, land scarcity, cost of inputs, lack of labor and low price of milk
were indicated, in declining order of importance, as constraints for technology uptake. From
this study, it was recommended that the government should encouraging the establishment
of new dairy cooperatives and further strengthening the existing ones. The government
should invite and encourage private sector to be widely involved in animal feed production
and processing. The establishment of a dairy institute, at least at federal level, is strongly
recommended. The institute will have a role in providing training to dairy farmers and
different level of professionals. It will also do adaptive research of technologies and
technology popularization. Credit and saving institutions, instead of lending money if could
provide technologies (crossbred, concentrate feed, etc ... ) in kind form. Further research was
suggested to determine impact of dairy technologies on household economy.
Smallholder, Technologies Uptake, Constraints, Milk yield, Reproductive performance