The Contributions and Challenges of Rice Value Chain Development on the Livelihood of Small Holder Rice Farmers(In the case of Ethiopia Driving Growth Entrepreneurship and Trade (EDGET) project in Fogera and Libokmkem District)

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Addis Ababa University


Rice (Oryza sativa L.) has been gathered, consumed, and cultivated by women and men worldwide for more than 10,000 years. Ethiopian rice is known for its flavor and nutritional value because the majority of production is organic. Due to Ethiopia’s large area and favorable agro-climatic conditions, the country has immense potential for expanding rice production.The present study was conducted in Fogera and Libo Kemkem District of South Gondar Zone, in 2015. The objectives of the study were to assess the major challenges facing rice producer farmers to improve their livelihood in Fogera and Libokmkem district; the study also examines prospects to improve the livelihood of rice producers though successful rice value chain development. In this study four representativekebeleswere selected using purposive sampling techniques. Then, sample household farmers were drawn by random sampling technique. Both primary and secondary data were collected for this study. Primary data were collected from 160 sample respondents using semi-structured questionnaires. In addition, related information were collected from other rice value chain actors using checklists.Secondary data were also collected from the different sources to complement the data obtained from the survey.The collected data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.0 (2011) software and the results were interpreted and presented using descriptivestatistics. Based on the results of this survey from the total 160 interviewed households engaged in rice production, 78% are male headed, and the rest 22 % are female-headed households. The mean land holding size of sample respondents was 1.27 ha and the mean land holdingallocated for rice production was 0.59 ha. The results of this survey revealed that rice production in the study area characterized by rain fed production system owned by smallholder farmers. Regarding labor involvement all household family including hired labor involved in almost all rice production activities. It was reported that boys and girls have significant role in rice production. This survey also identified the principal rice value chain actors from conception to consumption and value chain map developed. The major reasons for growing rice were for market and home consumption. Using SWOT analysis, opportunities and constraints in rice production, processing and marketing in the study area were investigated. Based on the research findings the possible recommendations forwarded are improving the extension services, strengthening capacity building of producers, upgrade the existing rice processing machine, promote local rice and strengthening value chain development in the study area. Key words: Rice, households, value chain, value chain actors, value chain supporters



Rice, Households, Value Chain, Value Chain Actors, Value Chain Supporters
