Running Head ... TradItional Kinship Care Explori ng Traditional Kinship Care Modalities a s Child Welfare System: The case of Wolaita People
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Addis Ababa University
Traditional kinship care . is one of alternative childcare with informal systems and
services. This study was aimed at exploring traditional kinship care modalities as child welfare
system in Wolaita people particular reference to Humbo district. Through pLllposive sampling,
data consisted of participant observation, unstructured interviews with 25 participants and
researcher field notes. Analysis of data was undertaken with Creswell 's (2003) qualitative
inquily and research design choosing among five approaches. So that, the researcher chose
ethnographic approach and consisted of coding data initially and an integrative process to
develop categories to address the specific objectives stated at the beginning of the study. Thus,
through intensive and extensive process of description, analysis, and interpretation, the
ethnographic study concludes that the reasons for traditional kinship care practices are poverty,
death of parents, instability and migration, insufficiency and ineffectiveness of other alternative
cares, over population, and abuse. The study also can eludes the treatment of the children in
traditional kinship that they are f eeling loved, valued, and stable, being listened to, sense of
belonging, and safe though there are some restrictions. In addition, cultural and religious values
as well as social networks-based support and intervention services are the way that traditional
kinship modalities solve the problem of OVC so that attitudes of both children in killShip and
their caregivers are positive in the care. On the other hand the study identified, risks like; the
informality of the system, lack of professional support, legal framework, biases and problems in
community elders, and abuse. It is anticipated that this study may lead to encourage the initial
steps of resilience against the risks. This would be done by acknowledging th is system by the
formal sector kinship care for holistic ch ild welfare system through th e indicated implications so
Child Welfare System