Evaluation of medical laboratory performance by using Quality indicators, customer satisfaction and KAP of laboratory professionals at Tikur Anbessa Specialized hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
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Addis Ababa University
Background: Establishing and maintaining a standardized process in medical laboratories is
the most important approach in providing quality results. However, there is very limited
research-based information on the level of standardized laboratory performance in developing
countries. Thus, the objective of this study is to evaluate medical laboratory performance by
using Quality indicators, with customer satisfaction, and its associated factors in Tikur Anbessa
specialized hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted from Oct 2021 to March 2022 in Addis Ababa
at Tikur Anbessa specialized hospital (TASH). We assessed and monitored using various quality
indicators at the five laboratory departments by adapting standardized format. The performance
has evaluated by these indicators and compared with pre-set targets. Data was entered in Epidata
and analyzed by SPSS version 23. The KAP level assessment was performed using 36 questions
encompassing qualitative and quantitative aspects of quality practice in 45 participants. Self-
administered pretested face-to-face interviews were performed and completed by a respondent
without intervention of the researchers. which is a 5-point Likert scale, with 1 and 5 indicating
the lowest and highest levels of satisfaction, respectively. And their weighted average was used
to categorize the satisfaction level of the study participants in the laboratory service with a
sample size of 900 patients and 164 physicians.
Result: Here we present the overall quality indicator of TASH as: 133,213(79.5%) tests were
meet predefined target TAT. The most frequent reagents stock out were in clinical chemistry.
service interruption at least occurred once to two times in a month; urine & parasitology
department has the highest rate with 3(60%) tests interrupted for continuous six months. During
the study period there have been three round EQA participation's and the feed-backs were
satisfactory. The maximum sample rejection rate recorded is emergency department relatively
from the five departments with 780(5.3%). The numbers shown that urine & parasitology,
hematology, sections has the lowest sample rejection rate of 116(0.8%) and 416(0.8%)
respectively. Moreover, the overall satisfaction with the laboratory service among the physicians
and patients was 37.2% and 66.2% respectively. According to the overall scoring, 4.4% of the
respondents had poor knowledge regarding quality assurance points, 77.8% of respondents had
average knowledge, though only 17.8% had good knowledge, 23(51.1%) strongly agreed, and
22(48.9%) agreed on Quality assurance helps medical technologists and the laboratory attain a
more accurate and precise result. 80% of participants often practice quality assurance. When
compared to patients who got in touch with laboratory personnel who has better communication
before and during sample collection, they were 2.17 times more likely to be satisfied than
dissatisfied patient (AOR=2.17(1.346-3.510);P value=<.001).
Conclusion: The research demonstrates that TASH laboratory performs below the target
objectives, specifically in customer satisfaction levels, TAT, and specimen rejection rates. Thus,
the laboratory should strictly follow and evaluate quality indicators periodically, as they play a
key role in reducing the risk of errors in clinical laboratories.
Quality indicator, performance evaluation, associated factors, Ethiopia, Tikur Anbessa