The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Employees’ Performance in the Case of Awash Bank and Dashen Bank: A Comparative Analysis

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This study examines the impact of emotional intelligence on employee performance at Dashen Bank and Awash Bank, employing multiple regression analysis to explore the influence of selfawareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. The study was collected data using questionnaire from managers/supervisors, officers and other employees of Awash bank and Dashen Bank head office, out of 162 the total questionnaire 157 questionnaires were filled and returned from the Dashen Bank and Awash Bank. A quantitative research design and descriptive and explanatory study approach were used in this study. The information used on this observes have been Questionnaire adapted from preceding literature. The scope of the take a look at turned into constrained to randomly decided on banks. Conceptually, there are 4 dimensions of emotional intelligence: Self-awareness, Self- management, Social awareness, and relationship management. Information collected from respondents based on 5 points Likert scales were analyzed using inferential and descriptive statistics. The result reveals that Awash Bank’s regression model, with an R Square of 0.864, accounts for a higher variance in employee performance compared to Dashen Bank’s 0.735. Significant predictors of performance at Awash Bank include all four emotional intelligence components, while at Dashen Bank, social awareness and relationship management are the primary drivers. The findings suggest that a comprehensive focus on emotional intelligence, particularly self-awareness and self-management, enhances employee performance more effectively. Recommendations include implementing tailored emotional intelligence training programs, promoting a culture of emotional intelligence, and conducting regular assessments to ensure continuous improvement. This study underscores the critical role of emotional intelligence in optimizing employee performance and organizational success.



