Determinants of Ethiopian Men’s Attitudes Toward Wife Beating
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Addis Ababa University
The world health organization suggested that violence against women is not a new phenomenon, nor
are its consequences to women’s physical, mental and reproductive health. What is new is the growing
recognition that acts of violence against women are not isolated events but rather form a pattern of
behavior that violates the rights of women and girls, limits their participation in society, and damages
their health and well-being. Wife beating, the most widespread form of domestic violence, is a major
cause of disability and death in many developing countries like Ethiopia. This study aims to assess the
attitudes of men toward wife beating using data from the Ethiopia demographic and health survey
conducted in 2016. The binary multiple logistic regression and LASSO logistic regression models were
compared to identify the best model fit by K-fold Cross-Validation in identifying some important
predictors of attitudes of men toward wife beating. The LASSO Logistic regression model fit results
are preferred over the binary multiple logistic regression because of the fact that it is parsimonious with
the same average predicting accuracy and findings from this model showed that the predictors: region,
place of residence, education levels, drinking status, and age of men are significantly associated with
men’s attitudes toward wife beating. Offering the access to education for men and raising their level of
education in the whole society may help reducing wife beating.
Attitudes, Cross-Validation, Ethiopia, Intimate Partner Violence, LASSO, Men, Wife Beating