The magnitude of PulmonaryTuberculosis and Comparison of Lipoarabinomanan RapidTest Assayswith Conventional Tuberculosis Diagnosis atSaint Peter SpecializedHospitalAddis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


Background:-Tuberculosis (TB) is a communicable disease that is caused byMycobacteriumtuberculosis.It is widely distributed globally with high mortalityand morbidity. Africa isone ofthe continents which ismostly affected. Poor and shortage of diagnostic facilities were proven tobe the major limitations in preventing the disease.Lowenstein–Jensen (LJ) cultureandAFBsmear microscopyare the gold standard diagnostic testing strategies for TB even though theyboth have a variety of limitations, especially in resource-limited countries. Additional rapid testthat can help the diagnosisof TB in antigen and the antibody-based assay is Lipoarabinomanan(LAM) which candetect the antigen from urine and its antibody from serum in patients withactive TB. Objective: To assess the magnitude of Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Comparison ofLipoarabinomanan Rapid Test Assays with culture-based tests at Saint Peter SpecializedHospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Methods:A cross-sectional study was conducted on 314 study participants from March 2021 toJune 2021. After obtaining informed consent, data were collected using a standardizedquestionnaire. Urine, sputum, and serum samples were collected from pulmonary tuberculosissuspected patients that showed signand symptoms of TB. Then Lowenstein–Jensen (LJ) culture,gene expert, and LAM rapid kit testing were done following standard procedures. Thedata wereentered and analyzed using Epi Data version 3.1 and SPSS version 23. We used descriptivestatics including, KAPPA analysis. Results:a total of 314 participants wereenrolled in this study and 176 (56.1%) were male.Themagnitude of PulmonaryTuberculosisbased on Lowenstein–Jensen culture methods was 20.7%, amongculture pulmonary positive cases blood Lipoarabinomanan, urine Lipoarabinomanan,GeneXpert detected 50, 42, 45 cases respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of bloodLipoarabinomanan was 76.9 and 94%; urine Lipoarabinomanan was 64.6 and 91.5%; andGeneXpertwas69.2 and 92.3% respectively. Conclusion:Accordingly to the present finding, theLipoarabinomanan test hasgood sensitivityand specificity for pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosis versus GeneXpert methods.Further largescale study is required to understand the use of LAM based assay for the diagnosis ofPTB.



Tuberculosis, Lipoarabinomanan,comparison.
