The Role of NGOs in alleviating the Problems of Children Orphaned by HIV / AIDS: The Case of Mekdim Ethiopia National Association (MENA) .
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Addis Ababa University
At present, HIV is an endemic that is causing millions of children Orphan. This
study is mainly intended to investigate' the role that NGOs are playing in
alleviating the problem of children orphaned by HIV/ AIDS. The research method
adopted for the study is Descriptive and Analytical research, type and a survey
method. An in-depth interview and focus group discussion were used as primary
data collection techniques. Both open ended and closed ended questionnaires
were employed as tools to collect primary data. The total sample size was 347,
187 orphans and 160 guardians and a stratified random sampling coupled with
purposive sampling were employed. To describe the quantitative aspect of the
study descriptive statistics were ' used, while the qualitative aspect was
presented through discussion. The finding indicates that, children orphaned by
HIV/ AIDS have access to all types of supports to a varying degree except house
rent support. Moreover, orphans have either complained or dissatisfied in most
cases with the adequacy and significance of the supports they received, while for
some orphans some supports are so crucial for their survival. On the other hand,
the organization was unable to address the felt needs of orphans due to financial
limitation and the donor driven nature of the projects. Furthermore, the growing
number of destitute children that seriously need the support has forced the
organization to cut in the types and amount of support such as educational
support, health care, food aid and housing. However, to meet the growmg
demand the organization has established linkages with public schools,
government hospitals and clinics and kebele officials to provide orphans with
free access to services such as; educational support, health care, food aid and
housing. In addition, the organization has initiated livelihood interventions to
Improve the ability of orphan households to remain self reliant. The
recommendations of the study revolve around its finding aiming at improving
how supports should be given by the organization by minimizing it limiting
Role of NGOs in alleviating