Factors That Hinder the Implementation of Communicative Language Teaching: Yabelo Secondary Andpre pararory School in foces
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Addis Ababa University
TIle purpose oj this study was to find out tile major Jactors that Ilinder the
implementation of communicative language teaclling. Yabelo senior secondmy and
preparatol)' school in Jocus. In due course oj tIl is study, 55 students and 4 teachers,
totally 59 participmlts were participated. The 55 students selected through systematic
sampling J¥/y11 five classes that random(l' selected ,,,hile tile existing Jour teachers'
enrolled tlll'ough I/l~ailabfe sampling.
Instrulllents elllployed in tilis stl/{(l' included: Questionuaire, Observation checklist,
and semi- structured intervie,v. When questionnaire used as the main tool, observation
and an interview lVere used to reflect the main points in questionnaire Jar the sake oj
validation and triangulation. In Ihe analysis part, percentage and rating scale were
used while data being analyzed. Accordingly the JollOlving findillgs were obtained,
among the Jactors which hinder the implementation oj communicative language
teaching the Jolla wing were s..'!!l!!: Teachers' laCk oj the target language culture and
CL T traiuing; Students' low English proficiency and passive style oj leamil/g,' Lack oj
enougll adlllinistrative support and authentic nwteriafs-as ,veil as lack oj effective and
eJficient instrulI/ellts to l.L~ess cOlI/mullicative cOlI/petence. Besides, it Iws proved tilal
the teachers IlIId ti,e right concept about CLT but they Jail to implement it practically.
Consequenlfy, they are practicing traditional language teaching metilods and using
OIl (V textbook as a teaclling aids. On the other hand, sludents indicated that tile), are
illterested ami that they perceived English as not diffiCUlt subject. With regard to Ihe
activilies practiced at 1/olIIe, 1II0st studellts (62%) oj studellts attested tlwt they spell!
1I1uelt lillIe 011 reading textbook and revisillg eX([II1 papers.
illfight/o IhejiJldillgs, Ilre/o/lowing cO lielusiollS were drrlll'll: There lVas gap be/Il'eell
IheOI)1 amI practice; Materials other tll(lII textbook like tape recorder alld video filllls
need to be illtegrated ill leachillg program. The practice oj prillciples oj current
cOlllm1lllicative language alld communicative competence which is central goal of CLT
was given less emphasis.
At last, the Jollowing were recommended: providing adequate administrative supporl,
preparing multitude oj authentic materials, developing an eJficient alld eJJective
illstl"lllUellts to assess C0l1111111llicalive conlpe/ellee, preparing sllpplenlell/(II), IIwterials
and inviting the experts to share experience and to give explanatioll abollt CL 7:
Factors That Hinder