Emerging Successful With Disabilities: the Life Histories of Four Persons With Disabilities

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Addis Ababa University


The main purpose of the study was to depict the lives of SPWDs comprehensively and document their biographies. Four PWDs who are residing in Addis Ababa were purposively selected for this study. The research attempted to answer six basic questions. To collect data three instruments; interview guide, focus group discussion guide, and document analysis guide were developed In connection with this, letter of permission was taken from Special Need Department of A.A. U and then given to heads of ENAB, ENAD, ENAPH, and ENAOD respectively. Necessary agreement was reached on the purpose of the study. And then, the heads informed potential participants for the study • more than once. Finally, the ideal respondents were identified and where made clear with the objective of the study. Intimate relationship was established by the frequent visit and phone call made by the researcher. Participants were interviewed and involved in FGD both at their office and at A.A. U classroom for one participant for whom sign language interpreter was used Accordingly, tape recorder and note book was used to record all data generated; starting from 25 of January up to March 30 of 2002 E.C. Then, the data were analyzed qualitatively; case by case. The result shows that, first, the societal reaction towards participants' disabilities were negative that they were thought of worthless and turned ·more of positive after they became successful. Second, the participants manifested negative reaction on the onset of their disabilities due to societal unpleasant reaction towards their disabilities and then gave favorable response at their latter ages. Third, among other challenges the respondents faced, societal negative attitude was found the most stressful, as long as it is a day to day phenomenon. Fourth, the participants have registered remarkable success benefiting themselves and the • community. Fifth, the respondents' community participation was found to be unsatisfactory. Six, ihe respondents success factors were found to be both of personal including self-esteem, self-efficacy, coping strategies and sources of strengths, aspirations and those of conducive environment including early familial experience and early childhood education and school experience. Finally, on the bases of the study findings implications pertaining to PWDs and PWODs were drawn.



Emerging Successful With Disabilities, the Life Histories of Four Persons
