Patterns of Admission and Mortality of Patients Admitted to Surgical Intensiv Care of Tikur Anbesssa Specialized Teaching Hospital
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Addis Abeba University
Critical patient have been admitted to SICU throughout the year since its establishment in the
yr. However there is no study up to date that was done to determine admission pattern and
outcome of patients. With only six beds at hand and establishment of the new ICU, it’s essential
to know which patients are being admitted and their outcomes. Thus the aim of this study is to
describe type of patient admitted to SICU of TASTH and their outcome.
Back Ground
TASTH is one of the largest referral and teaching hospital in Ethiopia accommodating referred
patients from all over the country. SICU of TASTH is one of the two public SICU in Addis
Ababa and the only ICU for neurosurgical patients. SICU admits more than 200 patients per year
with only six beds at hand. [1] Not many researches could be found about the characteristics and
mortality of patients admitted to SICU.
The main objective of the study these study is to describe the characteristics and mortality of
patients admitted to SICU of TASTH.
Retrospective Descriptive Observational study of all patients admitted to SICU of TASH from
Meskerem 1, 2005 to Paqume 5, 2005.[September 11,2012 to September 10,2013]
The highest percent of admission was postoperative followed by respiratory compromise and
circulatory compromise. Patient admitted to SICU ranged from 1 to 89 years of age with the
median age being 30 the average age at admission was 33.3. There were higher admission rate of
male than female (40.1% and 59.1% respectively). Majority of patient were from AA with 43.8%
then Oromia 30.3 the SNNP 12.6%. Highest admission was observed from patients in
neurosurgical department accounting 32 %. Cardiothoracic also have high admission 29% but
low mortality (3%) in the SICU. The mortality rate was 31.5% .The average SICU stay in our
study was 5.76 days. Of 30.9% cases which were trauma related RTA accounted for 15.2% of
the patient followed by assault 6.2% and fall down 4.5%. From these trauma patients 40% of
RTA patient had concomitant pneumonia and 48% of RTA patients died (13 out of 27).
Mechanical ventilator was used by 28.1 % of the patients’ during their SICU stay. Average da
spent on mechanical ventilator by these patients was 1.9 with minimum 1 to maximum of 45
days .Ceftriaxone is the commonest antibiotic prescribed.
There is poor documentation and chart keeping with many cards missing. There is no proper
guideline on admission criteria which should be organized and utilized. Mechanism like
computerization of data records should be used to avoid missing or losing of charts. A person
should be assigned on for making sure proper monitoring of documentation should be there.
Many researches have to be done to improve the outcome of patients in ICU as well as to look
for gaps in patient management. Much work has to be done in setting up new ICU in the other
regions and even in Addis Ababa. There should be center for control of antibiotic resistance and
much more study needs to address of antibiotic usage in TASTH
Work Plan and Budget
The study was conducted from August to October 2014. The total cost of the study will
be 8,891.00birr
Patients Admitted; Surgical Intensiv