The Dominant Contributing Factors to Child Sexual Abuse in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
Even though child sexual abuse has been neglected in most part of the world for
decades, curTently, it is becoming one of the tragic and global hot issues. It has
an adverse impact on the physical, psychological, and social development of the
children. Therefore, the pU7pose of this paper LS to examine the dominant
contributing factors for child sexual abuse and to recommend strategies that
minimize the prevalence of the problem. Both quantitative and qualitative data
were collected through questionnaire, document analysis, and interview with 164
sexually abused children and 7 counselors/social workers/ of the selected
governmental and non- governmental organizations in Addis Ababa. Results
indicated that lack of internal inhibitions, lack of resistance, and lack of external
inhibitions, motivational factors, and environmental factors are the dominant
factors for child sexual abuse. Moreover, major characteristic features (age, sex,
level of education, relationship, and living status) of the abusee and the abusers
were analyzed. Finally, results were explained and preventive strategies for
actions recommended