Psychosocial Problems of Female Students With Motor Disorders: the Case of Addis Ababa University
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Addis Ababa University
The study attempted to see the psychosocial problems of
f emale students with motor disorders. More specifically, it was designed
to e.xplore the level of their physical self esteem and problems they faced
in the formation of Fiends. The study also examined the reactions of
classmates and the interventions strategies that have been taken. The
whole female students with motor disorders at Addis Ababa Universil;)I
were the subjects of the study. The paper was grounded in qualitative
ana~)lsis and the results of the s tU(~)I indicated that female students with
/1/oto,. disorders ranked themselves below average in social skiffs.
Disabili(1' labeling, inconsistent treatments, perceived assumptions,
reflected appraisals, lack of professional supports and comparisons were
sOllie 0/ tIle major fa ctors that might affect the p5ychosocial states ot
fel1lale students with /1/ 0101' disorders. The results 0/ the s tU{~1' fi/rther
showed that intil1lac), l1'as a decisive variable that ,rould determine the
Ifill/litl' o/attitudes de veloped hy class/l/ates. Reco/l/mendations ,,'ere a15 .
IIII/de hased on thesefindillgs
Female Students; Motor Disorderss