Assessing the Institutional Capacity to Adapt To Climate Change: A Case Study in the Ethiopian Agriculture Sector
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Addis Ababa University
Ethiopia’s low level of economic development with its heavy dependence on rain- fed agriculture,
which is the sector most vulnerable to climate change make the country susceptible to the adverse
effects of climate change.
Institutional capacity is an important element for climate change adaptation (CCA) and the
development of such capacity is a great challenge in a Least Developed Country like Ethiopia where
resources are limited. An important first step to increasing capacity is via an understanding of the
level of existing capacity; future priorities can then be subsequently identified. The main objective of
this research paper is to assess the institutional capacity to mainstream and adapt effects climate
change in the agriculture sector. This Agricultural institution is selected as an entry point or a lens
to look through in order to limit the scope and assess the impact of institutional capacity for climate
change adaptation and sustainable development. Five elements of capacity were investigated in this
research: (1) planning and integrate climate change Adaptation in to national policy Framework, (2)
cooperation and coordination of stakeholders, (3) availability and quality of information, monitoring
and evaluating the progress on adaptation to climate change, (4 ) the capacity to Mainstreaming
climate change adaptation and (5) the capacity to implement climate change adaptation plans and
actions in the agriculture sector .
The data in this research were collected through questioners and interviews with a wide range of
government and non-government informants across this agricultural institutions (MOA, ATA ,
MEFCC and EAIR)in which the research mainly focused .The questionnaires were developed to be
filled by the participating institutions climate change adaptation experts and the in-depth interview
questioners were developed to conduct in-depth interview with the officials and with heads of the
teams of the participating institutions. This research paper had use the Tracking Adaptation in The
Agriculture Sector (TASS) tool to assess adaptive institutional capacity in the agriculture sector.
The assessment indicates that Climate change is highly affecting the agriculture sector, to cope up
with this the government of Ethiopia gives special emphasis for the agriculture sector and Develops
policies and strategies to adapt climate change in the agriculture sector, it also works to strengthen
the institutional capacity of the agricultural institutions in this study the study also shows this
institution have moderate capacity to adapt the effect of climate change.
Hence, it is recommended that the agricultural institutions should give due attention to mainstream
climate change adaptation in existing structures and policy frameworks and plans , improve the
planning climate change adaptation , information collection and monitoring and evaluation and
improve capacity to implement trough continuous capacity building activities and by developing
institutional capacity and active engagements of the stake holders including women’s and the
marginalized community.
Keywords: Assessment, Institutional Capacity, Adaptation, Climate Change, Agriculture, Planning,
Monitoring, Evaluation and Implementation.
Assessment, Institutional Capacity, Adaptation, Climate Change, Agriculture, Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Implementation.