Practices and Challenges of Outcome-Based Training in Selected Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institutions: the Case of Institutions in Arsi ZONE
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Addis Ababa University
The Ethiopian TV ~ T system, in line with many modern TVET systems worldwide is
organized as an outcome-based system. To this end identified competences needed in the
labor mark t will become the final benchmark of training and learning, and that all
in titutions rules and regulations of the TV T system defined so that they support trainees to
become competent. However the intended goal could not be attained without the fulfillment
of required resources (human and physical). Therefore, it has become indispensable to
conduct a research under the title 'Practices and Challenges of Outcome-based Training in
lected Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institutions: the Case of
Institutions in Arsi Zone'. Athlet Kenenisa Bekele TVET College and Asella TVET Institute
were selected for the study based on stratified sampling technique. The subjects of the study
were two Deans/Directors, two training process owners, 44 trainers and 178 trainees, and
they were s lected based on purposive quota and random sampling techniques as
appropriate. The purpose of this study was to assess the implementation of OBT in public
TVET in titutions. For the execution of this study, descriptive survey method was employed.
In this endeavor data were collected through questionnaires, interview, observation, and
document analysis. Questionnaires were distributed to simple randomly selected trainees
from each considered departments and trainers. Interviews were conducted with deans
directors and training process owners. For data analysis statistical tools such as percentage
mean value and chi-square were used. The study revealed that the competence and fitness of
the trainers were low; the adequacies of workshop /Iaboratory including training materials
and equipment for OBT were inadequate. Accordingly, there was no adequate training up to
the predefined performances stated in EOS. Moreover, there was lack of on-job training on
difficult unit of competences within Occupational Standard. Real work place/situation, the
major important unit of OBT to provide practical training was missing. Finally, in light of the
major findings of this study and conclusions made, recommendations are forwarded in order
to improve OBT
Outcome ;Based Training