A History of Bule Hora Town from its Foundation to 1991

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Addis Ababa University


This study deals with the history of Bule Hora townfrom its foundation to 1991.Its foundation can be traced back to the early decade of the twentieth century with the coming of Menilek 's forces to the region. Prior to the conquest and incorporation of the region, the site served the Guji Oromo of the area as a center where the Gada ritual and ceremonial activities were carried out. Since the area was a center of bandits who came from various places, soon after the conquest Balcha Safo sent his soldieries to the region and they camped at the traditional site. The officials and soldieries as well as those who came with them had permanently settled in and around the camp. The military center eventually evolved into a garrison town.Jts location on the long distance trade route network and the prevalence of peace and stability in the region with the help of officials and soldiers of the garrison relatively contributed to its early growth. Some improvement was also seen during the Italian occupation period due to the construction of the dry weather roads that connected Bule Hora with central parts of the country and the southern regions. The town showed growth in the post Italian period, particularly in the 1950s and 1960s. It was in these years that various social, economic and administrative institutions were established and attracted immigrants to the area in large numbers. Above all, the construction of the Addis Ababa-Moyle highway that passes through the town played an important role in the growth and development of the tow n. After the construction of the road a large number of merchants and people from the surrounding and other distant areas came to the town to do business. The location of the town with a rich agricultural and livestock production region also enhanced the growth and development of the town. Although the growth and development of the town declined owning to the instability that prevailedfollowing the 1974 revolution, it began to revive since 1980. This was due the restoration of peace and stability in the region and the improvement and establishment of urban service giving institutions as well as the construction of all weather roads that connected the rural hinterlands and neighboring areas with the town.



History of Bule Hora Town

