Assessment of Human Wildlife Conflict and Management Strategies in Basso Woreda, North Showa Ethiopia.
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Addis Ababa University
Human-wildlife conflict exists in different forms all over the world and experienced more in developing
countries. In Basso Woreda of North Shoa Zone wild animals compete for resources with the local
community resulting in conflict with each other. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the
current status of HWC and management strategy in the Woreda. Data were collected by semi-structured
questionnaires from 120 farmers in eight villages found within four Kebeles. The majority (87%) of
respondents reported crop raiding in their farms. Olive baboon (50.4%) and rodents (25.7%) were the most
commonly cited crop raiders. Maize was the most raided crop (loss of 395 kg). The total monetary loss due
to crop raiding during the growth season of the study period was 5253.00 Birr. Common jackal, common
buzzard, spotted hyena, and leopard were responsible for depredation of domestic animals in the studied
villages with common jackals being the most commonly involved in the attacks (53%). A total of 191
domestic animals including sheep, goat, and chicken were depredated between 2016 - early 2017. Sheep
were the most frequent targets of depredation (n=79, 41%). The total monetary loss due to depredation of
domestic animals was 57,600.00 Birr. Guarding, changing framing system, chasing, fencing, scarecrow and
smoking were practiced by the farmers as mechanisms of protection against crop raiders. Guarding (52.3%)
was by far the most commonly practiced preventive method. Where as smoking and chasing were the least
preventive methods used by respondents in the village of Chiraro Debre and Abogedel.
Basso Woreda, Crop Raiding, Human-Wildlife Conflict, Livestock Depredation