Mobilizing and Utilizing the Assets of a Local Association in Ethiopia: ABCD in the Abbo Iddir of Bishoftu Town
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Addis Ababa University
This PhD dissertation reports the results of a qualitative investigation of Asset Based
Community Development (ABCD) intervention processes through a local community-based
Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach with Abbo Iddir of Kurkura Community.
Kurkura community was one of the communities found in Oromia National Regional
State, East Showa Zone, Ada’a District but recently it is included under Bishoftu town
administrative. Specifically, it is one of the communities from eight rural peasant associations
who had been leading their life by agricultural activities specially, by farming land for years but
because of the recent rapid expansion of Bisghoftu town and investment issues to all directions,
Kurkura community lost their permanent assets and faced life challenges. The purpose of this
research was thus to help these people to help themselves through mobilizing and utilizing the
existing assets of their local association using community intervention research.
In this regard, data were gathered during an ongoing process of community intervention
over the two years period of time through interview, participant observation and focus group
discussions. The data were thematically analyzed and presented in chapters four, five and six of
the thesis.
Through this community intervention research, one local association called ‘Kurkura
Two Consumers Cooperative Association’ was formed and became aware of its assets and
created a local business by mobilizing and utilizing its assets. The research found that local
communities need practical development change supported by evidence based in their setting
rather than teaching them what theory says. It also found that local community elders play major
roles in settling disputes among members of the local community based on their traditional
conflict resolution strategies which in turn contributed to sustainable neighbourhood community
The research found that there were opportunities and challenges in building the
foundations for sustainable community development at the local level, through creating and
enhancing the capacity of a community association. The study explored individual life
experiences through narrative interviews of their life challenges and ways of overcoming their
challenges, their success stories and future vision.
In this regard, from June 2014 till March 2016 when I withdrew from active participation,
the association provided 44,400kg of sugar, 19,000kg of wheat flour, and 54,466 litters of edible
oil to community. Members began to saving from two birr per individual per week at the
beginning and reached 49240 Ethiopian birr (ETB) until this thesis was organized. Both
members and the surrounding neighborhood communities (non-members) directly or indirectly
saved their time and energy by getting access of services in their village.
Similarly, Kurkura communities were saved from extra expenses of 953346 ETB as the
first association’s external audit report revealed. Though the research covered those activities
that were done between May 2014 to March 2016, the association’s capital reached 109, 465.68
ETB at the first audit report of March 2016 and increased to 374,163.52 ETB at the second
external audit report of May 2017. This, include 60225.68 ETB net profit members obtained
from the local business in 2016 which increased to 142,779.84 ETB net profit in May 2017 as
the second audit report revealed. In addition, the association built permanent assets which cost
9,665.00 ETB and also which increased to 11,943.42 ETB permanent assets’ cost.
Formal and informal ssocial relationships as well as networks created and became
stronger with different civic organizations. The association created networks with nine different
associations, institutions, and companies. Women also got relief due to access to basic
commodities at their village so that their children helped them without the risks of car accidents.
Sustainable community development was achieved as some indicators showed. For
instance, the number of members and customers of the association have increased. The
association became profitable. The community is leading the association as well as running the
business on their own. The association also created job opportunities for four individuals: three
females and one male from surrounding community paying 920 ETB each per month. Eelders of
the association settled and also ready to settle conflicts among members in the future.
In general, from the researcher’s perspective, this work brought a meaningful and
practical positive change in particular, on the lives of the members of the association twenty five
individuals who headed their households as well as on more than 2,700 families of Kurkura
village and its surrounding communities in general because each customer is considered to be
representing one family
Social Work