Practices and Problems of Technological Interventions in Distance Learning in Colleges/Universities of Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
The principal aim in undertaking this research was to assess the current practices and
problems of technological interventions in distance learning in colleges and universities of
Addis Ababa and thereby forward possible suggestions for the improvement and better use of
technologies in the universities/ colleges.
The areas of concern believed to be relevant to meet the purpose of the study were: generations
of technology, factors considered in selecting technologies, the use of technology in learner
support system, integrating technologies with instructional design elements, problems
encountered in the use of technologies, government initiatives in supporting the effort of the
universities/ colleges in promoting the use of technologies, and attitudes of learners and the
academic staff towards technology in general and application of technology in the distance
learning system in particular. .
To this end, a descriptive survey method was employed for the study. The sample
colleges/universities were Unity University, Alpha University College, Saint Mary's University
College and Ethiopian Civil Service College from Addis Ababa. Regional centers included in the
study were from Bahir Dar, Adama and Hawassa. The subjects of the study included 4 deans,
4 assistant deans, 16 regional coordinators, 18 experts and 35 tutors from the academic staff
and 37 students from Adama, 40 students from Bahir Dar and 46 students from Hawassa.
Hence, 77 academic staff and 123 students were included in the study. In order to select the
colleges/universities and the regional centers, simple random sampling and stratified sampling
techniques were employed. The respondents were included in the study using purposive, quota
and systematic sampling techniques. Questionnaire, semi-structured interview guide and
document analysis were used as instruments of data collection. Statistical Package for Social
Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze and interpret the information found from the respondents
using the questionnaire. Major statistical tools applied in the study were the mean values, ttest,
percentages, the chi-square, correlation and one way ANOVA.
Conclusions were drawn and recommendations were forwarded from the findings of the study.
Findings depicted that the colleges/ universities were only in the first generation of technology
application backed by only a little support from the second generation to which a thorough
analysis as to which technologies could be used was suggested. Only a few factors were found
to be considered in selecting technologies. It was recommended that the universities/ colleges
form an interdisciplinary team to study factors before using a technology. It was also revealed
that the technologies were only integrated with the objectives and content of the instructional
design elements and not with the others. Collaboration efforts from IT specialists, instructional
design experts, training professionals, tutors and students in the design was suggested to be
applied. It was found that learner support system which was (wt supported by technologies
existed. It was recommended that the colleges/universities first check on the access of the
learners for the technologies and then invest. Government did not take significant initiative in
supporting the DL institutions in their effort to promote technology assisted programs. It was
suggested that the government reviews policies, funds technology mediated programs,
promotes teacher trainings that use technologies and invest on infrastructures. It was found
that there were many problems encountered and that the attitude of learners towards
technology in general and applying it to DL in particular was negative and that of the academic
staff was positive. To alleviate the problems it was suggested that the colleges/universities
allocate budget for technology related projects, hire technology professionals from either with in
the country or expatriates and arrange continuous awareness programs for learners to shift
their attitudes and the government promotes application oj technology in lower level study.
Problems of Technological Interventions