Assessment of the Role of CSOs on Hman Rights Education in Ethiopian Justice System
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Addis Ababa University
Civil Society Organizations as a mediator of change and link the gap between state and
society through informing, providing training and educating societies about values,
principles and international instruments of human rights play a pivotal role to realize
practicality of respect of human freedom and dignity in everyday life of every one
anywhere in the world. Human Rights to be a reality in every organ of the society and
individuals’ everyday life, people should be aware of the idea.
Human Rights Education aims to construct a universal human rights culture which should
encompass strengthening respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms, promoting
full development of the human personality and fundamental value of human dignity,
promoting understanding, tolerance, gender equality and friendship amongst all nations,
indigenous and racial, national, ethnic, religious and linguistic groups, enabling all
persons to increasingly participate effectively in society, promoting all dimensions of
human rights including social and economic rights alongside civil and political rights,
furthering the agenda of activities by the United Nations in its Action Plan for the Decade
for Human Rights Education.
To create an enabling environment for CSOs engaged in Human Rights Education in
Ethiopian Justice System, the government should continue to take initiative regarding on
opening its door to discuss with foreign donors, CSOs and major stake holders to look in
to laws, regulations and directives and revise its policies to create strong and vibrant
CSOs, collaborating with these actors to ensure human rights respecting institution in the
Ethiopian justice sectors
Justice System,Hman Rights Education