Sexuality Related Behavioral Risk to HIV AIDS Examining the Experience of People Abusing Home Made Alcohol Beverages

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Addis Ababa University


This paper looked at the experience of people abusing homemade alcohol with the intention of understanding sexual behavior related risk to HIV AIDS. The study was developed employing an in depth interview as a primary tool and ten participants were purposively selected to be interviewed. The study was developed in terms of qualitative inquiry with a descriptive purpose. Thematic categorization and content analysis is used for analyzing data. The key findings of this research point out that sexual risk taking, marked in different forms, is a general behavior pattern among participants. Participants also share common factors that predisposed them to both alcohol abuse and sexual risk taking behaviors in that they mentioned cognitive, affective, behavioral, socio cultural and situational factors. Commonalities regarding the conditions in which safe sex and unprotected sex occur were also observed. Hence they witnessed similar notions about the nature of sexual safety and risk. These findings suggest that interventions in the personal and socio cultural environment with the participation of families, women, religious institutions and service delivery system are indispensable for successful prevention outcomes. Interventions should also be aimed at empowering and enabling individuals and communities towards risk consciousness, risk prevention and promotion of healthy life style. Key Words: Alcohol, Sexual behavior



Alcohol; Sexual Behavior

