Factors Affecting Supply Chain Performance Of Nongovernmental Organizations: The Case Of FH Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


Supply chain performance had been a significant area of attraction for researchers. However, studies have established the factors affecting supply chain performance in manufacturing and commercial organizations whose focus is to deliver value to customers in order to make a profit. These seem to be there is a gap and known little on factors that affect NGOs’ supply chain performance which need to be assessed and due to varying contexts the findings of such studies may not necessarily apply in humanitarian SC. This study therefore undertook the goal to establish factors affecting the performance of supply chain performance of non-governmental organization in the case of FH Ethiopia. The specific objectives of the study included, the analysis of how procurement activities influence the performance of the organizations supply chain, examine how supplier selection practice in the organization affect SC performance, examine how internal policy and procedure of the organization affects supply chain performance and illustrate how listed external environment affects the performance of supply chain in FH Ethiopia. The study adopted descriptive survey research design and qualitative data targeting seventy one employees from FH Ethiopia. From seventy one issued questionnaires, 59 questionnaires representing 83.1% of the total questionnaires distributed were returned fully completed, while 12 questionnaires were not returned representing 16.9% of the total questions distributed to the respondents. According to Mugenda and Mugenda (2003) a response rate of 70% and over is excellent for analysis and reporting on the opinion of the entire population. Primary data was collected using a questionnaire. Ones the data was collected, the researcher checked for its accuracy, consistency and completeness. The data was presented in frequency tables and percentages and discussed. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics i.e. Frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations were presented in the form of both tables and figures. The SPSS version 20 computer software was used to aid the analysis. The finding of study shows those inefficient procurement activities, absence of training and development, absence of quality culture and the stated external environment affects and have negative impact on the organizations supply chain performance. The study findings value to the organization to provide information on those factors affecting supply chain performance based on the result of this study, it can also use as reference for future researchers who will be interested to study the topic and it will contribute filling the knowledge gaps in the area



Supply Chain performance, supplier selection, practices
