Improving Environmental Rehabilitation and Agricultural Extension: The Case of Boloso Sore Woreda Challenges and Prospects of Community Participation in

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Addis Ababa University


This study has assessed the bOlllenecks and prospects of community participation in improving ERAE by the participatory community based and driven development processes and practices in Boloso Sore Woreda. The study has employed descriptive case study i. e., both quantitative and '1lIalitative methods. The data collecrion instruments were personal interviews, questionnaire, ./iJclls group discussions, and observation in addition to using available documents. The target population of the study comprised J 340 households in the Boloso Sore Woreda. The household's r<'sl}()l1llents were selected using stratified random sampling on the basis of gender. The study rev('lIled that problems and prospects of the community partiCipation in improving the agricultural extension and environmental rehabilitation activities such as improved seeds and ./ertilizers utilization, profecting the environment Fom manmade distraction and increasing the rel,lantation in the degraded lunds. The study identified both challenges and opportunities for strengthening coml1runity-environmental rehabilitation and agricultural extension practices. It also examined the structw'f and mechanisms through which the community involves in the ugriculturul extension und environmental rehabilitation. Based on the study's success oj' agricultural extension and environmental rehabilitation activities implementation at local I~vel is also highly determined by the level o.t;..1!r}rnmunity participation in each and every agriculture and environmental problems, that also deserve an active intervention of the local government have been identified in the srudy area. While overcoming the associated barriers are some of the major potential measures suggested so as to re-orient the existing structure and different perception in the study area towards the local community participation in agriculrural extension and environmental rehabilitation concerns



Agricultural Extension
