Measuring Customer Satisfaction of Ethiopian Electric Utility

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Addis Ababa University


This study aims at measuring customer satisfaction of the Ethiopian Electric Utility company Services at North Addis Ababa region in both technical and customer services. The study reveals that there is a moderate customer satisfaction in two technical services; electricity tariffs, billing methods, and poor customer satisfaction in failure fixing and new connection. The major problems in the technical services provided by Ethiopian electric utility are; handling disputed bills and the long time needed for fixing electricity failure and power supply connection. On the other hand, the study shows that there is a moderate satisfaction in payment method, the length of waiting time in the company offices, and accessibility of customer offices of EEU. Respondents have a poor satisfaction with the remaining five services ; replies of employees to customer telephone calls, about information and guidance provided to customers, in complaint handling, in continuity of power supply and good quality of power. The customers’ also very poor satisfaction to prior intimidation of power cut. Finally, respondents think that the overall performance of Ethiopian Electric Utility Company in general is poor. The residential customers are the most satisfied group followed by the commercial then the industrial. Therefore, the EEU should come up with an appropriate service delivery standards; proper complaint handling mechanisms; improve the technical department service delivery to new connection, failure fixing and improve billing service ; relevant training for its front line and technical employees; developing various payment mechanism; informing customer about planned interruption; reduce power interruption and fluctuation to the standard; upgrade and maintain its old transmission, substation and distribution network systems; improve its generation capacity and adequate resource management in order to meet customer satisfaction. Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Services, Electricity, Measuring, TQM, Ethiopia



Customer Satisfaction, Services, Electricity,, Measuring, TQM, Ethiopia
