The socio economic empowerment of divorced women through safety net program: A case of Burayu sub city
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Addis Ababa University
The objective of the study has emphasized on the socioeconomic empowerment of divorced
women through a safety net program in Burayu Sub City. The study used a qualitative research
approach and data sources from primary and secondary data. Qualitative sampling techniques
have been used in purposive sampling. The participants were purposefully identified, and they
shared their knowledge and experience about the socioeconomic empowerment of divorced
women through data collection tools like key informant interviews, in-depth interviews, and
focus group discussions. From among the qualitative research methods, the case study has been
selected for this study for the case of three homogeneity of group behavior in the study area: all
of them are women, all are divorced, and all are safety net program beneficiaries. The methods
of data analysis are based on writing essays in the form of thematic analysis in major categories
and subgroups. When data is to be collected, consideration of ethics is a primary issue, and a
researcher has to get a permission letter written by a respected body explaining the purpose and
ensuring the legality of the study. The study findings reflected the socioeconomic challenges of
divorced women in Burayu sub-city administration, including social challenges like social
blame, changes in social status, roles, social isolation, and children's identity questions. There
were through three pillars women empowered in study area. They are economic empowerment,
social empowerment, and contribution of the safety net program to empowering divorced women
in the study area.
Key words: Women, Empowerment and Safety net program
Women, Empowerment and Safety net program