Prevalence and Determinants of Tuberculous Infection in children in bale Region

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Addis Abeba Universty


The determination of the pre v~ len ce of tuberculoslS inf ection ,I i thin age groups and the relation of lnfection to factors under study , i,e., , previous BeG vaccination, raw milk consumption, and ·intimate exposure to cattle VJere evaluated in a c ross-sect l cna l community-based t ubercu lin skin test survey, and case-control analysis of the re13tion of infectlon to the factors unde r- study in Mendeyo Awraja, Ba 'le region (south-east Etniopia) 1 in chi ldren 6 months to ~5 years at age. A su rvey consisting of an interview, exami nati orl of BeG scar on the ri ght shoulder , and tuberculin skin testing and re a::.nng io-Jas conductea en 1892 children, ldentified by systematic househo ld survey from ten randoml y se lected peasant Yl1 lages in Mendeyo Awraja. Out of the total 1892 children surveyed 1002 (53%) were males and 890 (47%) were females . 1028 (54.3%) had a BeG scar and 864 (45.7%) had no BeG scar ; the prevalence of tubercul osis infection in these groups was 1 'I .8% and 15.3% respect i ve 1 y • The overall prevalence of tUberculosis infection 1'i3S 13.4%. The mean age of the surveyed children \'Ias 6 years . Preva lence of i nfeet i on was low ; n infants and chi 1 dren under 5 years of age and increases \·Jith age , being high in 12 to 15 years old. There vJas a signl f icant as socia tion between infect i on and previo us no n-BeG vacc inat ion, and intimate exposure to catt le, as determined by ch i square statistics (p < .05). There was no significant associat ion between I'n.f,e c +.... l'0 n and raw cow'~ mi l k co nsump~ ion (p > . 05). The average alillU(l.L risk of infec1;ion as cRJ.cul ateci. fro31 the results of the study in non-vaccl:1atect Gill J.drcn '':is 2.73%. Incidence of smear-posi ti ve pulmonary tuber culosis cases was r:.alcvlated to be about 387 cases per 290,000 population (the settled awraja' s population I . The study ha.s enabled us to determine the annual risk of infection and incidence of smear- positive pulmonary t uberculosis cases iL the community (awraja). "



Prevalence and Determinants of Tuberculous Infection in children in bale Region

