Social and Economic Problems of Integrated Female Street Children in Regular Schools of Adama Town
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Addis Ababa University
This study altempted to find out the social and economic problems of integrated street
girls in some regular schools of Adamo town.
Qualitative method of study was employed to collect data. Participants were six street
girls of day and night program allendants, who were beneficiaries of the organization,
Forum on Street Children Ethiopia (FSCE), Adamo Branch, three school principals, nine
teachers (five females andfour males), seven non-street students, the social worker of the
Drop in Center and the Counselor of FSCE-Adama Branch.
The main method of data collection was interview. In addition, focus group discussion
and informal talk were used 10 Supporllhe data oblained Ihrough Ihe inlerview.
The sludy found oUllhallhe inlegralion of the girls has both posilive and negmive impaci
socially, economically and educalionally.
The main social problems of the children are prejudice established by Ihe school
community due to the pre-determined negative altitude of the society, Absence of
Fiendship with non- street peers in the school, lack of understanding, trust and respect by
staif are some of the problems. Revenge actions of the street children towards the
negative attiludes of the school communily are also found as problems.
Economic problems are also found to be obstacles of the integraled children to pursue
their education. Lack of food, poor quality or absence of shelter, clothing, and school
malerials, inability to pay school relatedfees are related problems of the children.
It seems that the social and economic problems of the girls are highly interrelmed. One
leads to the other. Likewise, their social problems aggravate their poverty. This
influences the girls to lead Iheir life by begging and through prostitution and relaled
According to the/indings, Ihe inlegraled SO'eet girls are fac ing many problems to pursue
education. Thus, different inlervenlion measures should be taken to overcome Iheir social
and economic problems