Assessment of Incidence of Adverse Events and Associated Factors in Pediatrics out of Operating Room Procedural Sedation at Tikur Anbesa SpecializedHospital, Addis Ababa In 2022/2023
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Addis Ababa University
Procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA) describe the use of agents, such as sedatives and analgesics, to alleviate anxiety, pain, and fear during diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Pediatric out of OR (operating theatre) procedural sedation is expanding throughout the world as well as in our setup. Children require sedation more often than adults and they are at the greatest risk of adverse events due to their physiology. Complications include hypoxia, vomiting, laryngospasm, and cardiac arrest. There is no single ideal sedative agent without risk. Despite the magnitude, there is no single study done in Ethiopia.
Objectives To assess the incidence of adverse events in pediatrics out of OR procedural sedation and associated risk factors in Tikur Anbessa specialized hospital.
Methods Institutional-based cross-sectional study design was in TASH (Tikur Anbessa specialized hospital) conducted from December 2022 – March 2023. The final sample size was 269. Simple convenient sampling technique was used as a sampling technique. Data was checked for completeness and then entered in to SPSS 26 software for analysis. Descriptive analysis was done for socio-demographic, surgery and anesthesia related characteristics of the study participants. Bivariate logistic regression was done for each predictor variable and outcome variable. Multivariable logistic regression was done for variables with P- value less than 0.25 and statistical significance P- value less than 0.05 was taken as a determinant factor.
Results Overall, the prevalence of adverse events in pediatrics out of OR procedural sedation was 9.2% (n=20). Respiratory adverse event was the most common adverse event occurring in 15 (6.9%) patients. the odds of developing respiratory adverse events is 10.27 times higher among patients who had moderate or severe malnutrition as compared to those who had normal nutritional status (AOR= 10.27;95%CI 3.21, 32.8; p<0.001.
Conclusion and recommendation Malnutrition is associated with the occurrence of respiratory adverse events in pediatrics out of OR procedural sedation. Careful evaluation and optimization of pediatric patients with malnutrition is necessary.