Factors Affecting Particleboard Buyers’ Level of Satisfaction: The Case of Ethiopian Chip Wood and Furniture Company (ECAFCO) S.C

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Addis Ababa University


Determining the factors that affect buyer satisfaction is the most vital for profit making entities to reinforce customer satisfaction and sustain business profitably. The principal objective of this study was to investigate the core factors that affect particleboard buyers’ level of satisfaction in Ethiopia Chip wood and Furniture Share Company (ECAFCO S. C). To achieve these, a quantitative research approach is employed using a structured questionnaire. Data was collected from 355 respondents selected using a nonrandom convenience sampling technique. The collected data was analyzed, interpreted, discussed and presented using descriptive, correlation and multiple-linear regression analyses. The descriptive analysis results revealed that Ethiopian Chip wood and Furniture Company customers are dissatisfied. They’re dissatisfied with product quality, complaint handling, innovation and product availability and indifferent to the supplier’s image and reputation and particleboard price of the company. The correlation result showed that there’s a positive and significant association between the six independent variables and buyer satisfaction. On the other hand, the results of multiple regression analysis revealed that the independent variables (product quality, price, innovation, product availability, compliant handling and supplier’s image and reputation) have a positive and significant influence on buyer satisfaction. Product/particleboard quality and innovation have a highly significant influence on explaining buyer satisfaction as compared to other independent variables. And 72.5% of the response variable (buyer satisfaction) is elucidated by these six independent variables. Based on the study results, the researcher recommends that Ethiopian Chip wood and Furniture Company should be concerned about those influencing factors, especially product quality and innovation to satisfy unsatisfied existing particleboard buyers as well as to attract a potential buyer. So, ECAFCO must establish sophisticated particleboard production technology, and provide improved and various latest particleboard to sustain in the market.



customer satisfaction, particleboard, influencing factors
