Status Distribution and Impacts of Invasive Species in Sebeta Hawas District Oromia Region Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
This research was done in Sebeta Hawas district Oromia region, Ethiopia. A total of nine
representative kebeles were selected purposely with the help of information acquired from the
office of Agriculture and conservation of natural resource department of the district. Ten(10)
household informants were selected randomly from each 9 representative kebeles (90) and all
the Development Agents (10) were included as informants. In addition to the primary data
sources obtained by close observation and interviews made with each informant (100 informants)
secondary data sources were also obtained from written documents. Data obtained were entered
into SPSS 2020 version and processed. Apart from this, data were analyzed using preference
ranking and direct ranking matrix to identify the main invasive weeds and their impact on
cultivated crops respectively. Cirsium vulgare, Setaria pumila, Phalaris paradoxa, Xanthium
spinosum, Rumex crispus, and Argemone ochroleuca were identified as the prominent invader in
the Sebeta Hawas district. These species were found spread and introduced to many ecosystems
by wind(31%) that followed by animals(22%). Majority of them were observed growing in
roadsides(17.8%) and non cultivated lands(17.8%). S.pumila that followed by P.paradoxa pose
more impact on agricultural crops in varied degrees. Making awareness creation by Development
Agents and district administrator for the community regarding the nature of each species, their
spreading means and their preventive techniques are recommended. Further research at regional
and national level on invasive plants is recommended so as to minimize further spread and
complete removal of invasive species of the district
Ecological Distribution, Impacts, Invasive Species, Sebeta Hawas District