Fertility Desire and Contraceptive Utilization among People Living with HIV/AIDS in follow up care in Hosanna ART Units

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Addis Abeba Universty


ackground: HIV positive individuals may or may not have intention to have children. They could also have different degrees of utilization and demand for family planning. The extent of the intention and how it varies by individual, social, health and demographic characteristics is not well understood. The desire of HIV infected persons to have children in the future has significant implication for the transmission of HIV to sexual partners or newborns. So this study contributes a lot for program planners. Objective of the study: to determine the fertility desire and contraceptive utilization among PLWHAs in ART follow up care in Hossana hospital and health center. Methodology: A cross sectional institution based study design supplemented by qualitative indepth interview was done between December to May 2010 The study was conducted in Hosanna Town (Hospital and health center), Hadiya zone, Southern Ethiopia. The study population were all PLWHA who had at least one visit to the selected ARV treatment units and age group 18- 49 for women and 18-59 for men and the sample size taken were 321 and selected using quota sampling technique. Pre-tested questionnaire was used to collect the data which was entered using EPI info window 2000 and analyzed by SPSS 11.0 statistical packages. The qualitative study sample depended on the level of saturation of information and interview includes respondents, health care provider working in PMTCT, VCT, ART and FP department. Purposive sampling was applied to select study subjects from each institution. Tape record is used then transcribed to meaningful phrases, data were grouped in to thematic area and words of the respondents were quoted accordingly. Result: Thirty-six (37.9%) male and eighty one (35.8%) female respondents expressed the desire for children, giving a total of 117 (36.45%) of all respondents. In general PLWHAs who intended to have children were those PLWHAs having no children (Adjusted OR 60.89, 95% CI 8.02, 462.05). Those who intended to use family planning in the future were more likely to desire children (Adjusted OR 4.35, 95% CI 1.61, 11.73) than their counter parts. But if partner decide not to have children they were less likely to desire (lower desire) for children (Adjusted OR 0.02, 95%CI 0.001, 0.41). Thirty-six (37.9%)men and 66(29.2%) women, overall 102(31.8%) were using family planning during the study period. Factors associated with family planning use were being married (Adjusted OR 7.83, 95%CI 1.08, 56.79), having three or more children (Adjusted OR 4.54, 95%CI 1.12, 18.48), and having knowledge on mother to child transmission (Adjusted OR 4.29, 95%CI 1.98, 9.26) and plan to have children in the future (Adjusted OR 0.29, 95%CI 0.1, 0.82) were less likely to use family planning than their counter parts. Conclusion and Recommendation A high proportion of HIV positive individuals who received medical care expressed a desire for children. The extent of fertility intention and family planning needs of these people has implication for vertical, heterosexual transmission and need consideration. A better and evidence based understanding of fertility intentions and demand for contraception is needed to promote and protect the rights of women and men living with HIV/AIDs to make informed decisions about reproduction and to have access to appropriate sexual reproductive health services.



Fertility Desire and Contraceptive

