Community Participation and Sustainable Natural Resource Management: The Case of lenche Dima Watershed, Guba lafto Woreda, North East Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


This thesis attempted to examine " community participation on eXlstlng participatory natural resource management approaches with a due emphasis on land conservation and rehabilitation practices in Lenche Dima water shed, North East Ethiopia." Out of the total 865 households found in the research site, 120 households were randomly se lected and taken as representative sample size of the target population. Similarly, a mixture of both qualitative and quantitative research methods was used to analyze the data obtained thorough the data collecting instruments (such as household survey, key informant interview, focus group di scussion, and field observation) used in the study. That is, in order to see the relationship between depend<:nt and independent variables, [he qual itative data gathered from the rese'arch respondents were described and explained in the studv. Whereas, the quantitative data obtained in the study were analyzed by different statistical methods. The major findings of the study were: first, before the watershed management project intervention. farme rs were very well aware of land degradation problems in the area. As the result of this, farmers' participation at the initial stage of the project implementation was positively significant for the management practices in the watershed. Second, from the statistical analysis of community participation, the socio·economic and demographic characteristics of households such as sex, age, family size, crop production and livestock ownership were found to be signiticant and highly associated with the participation of households. Relying on the results of the anal ys is community participation at various planning processes, participation at the implementation stage of the watershed project was found to be relatively very high 381 or (83.3%). However, farmers ' continuous participation (at the maintenance stage) was declined by 127 or (39.1 %) due to the discontinuity of incentives from the project. That is, sustainable community participation was hampered by lack of support, benefit from conservation practices, and continuous stakeholder 's coordination. Similarly, women's participation in conservation work was found not to be significant in the statistical analysis some observable challenges. In addition, the finding showed that participatory sustainable resource conservation was influenced by lack of maintenance, quality of conservation practices, the prevalence of drought, policy support and tenure security as well as lack of stakeholders' involvement. More importantly, following the withdrawal of the \vatershed donor project, the remaining stakeholders' role for assuring sustainable management approach was found to be negligible. Generall y. it could be concluded that conservation practices undertaken in the area by the project was so encouraging. Thus, the inc entive-based approach of the project was found to be essential for implementing the project conservation activities. However, that approach created dependency than self-reliance on community participation and identified as the major challenge for sustainable watershed management. Therefore, there is a need for sustainab le in\'olvement of the existing stake holders', includ ing local CBOs as well as vertical and horizontal linkage the existing stakeholders in order to promote sound watershed management with effective community participation



Community Participation
