Determinants of Mothers' Health Care Seeking Behavior for Common Childhood Illness in Fogera Woreda, Amhara Region
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Addis Ababa University
According io WHO, 2010 recent figure, globally around 9 million children still dies every year
before reaching their fifth birthday. Almost all of these deaths occur in low and middle-income
COllillries. The ullder-flve mortality rate is seven times higher in the Aji-ican Region than that of
Europe. Large number of children in Ethiopia in general and Amhara region in particular die
without ever reaching a health facility and due to delays in seeking care. Health care seeking
interventions have the potential to considerably reduce child mortality. However, Mothers in
Fogera woreda did not have sufficient knowledge of signs that their child's health is in danger,
or of appropriate treatments, or access to appropriate health services.
This study aims to assess determinants of mothers ' health care seeking behavior for common
childhood illness. A cross-sectional study was conducted ji-om January 1-20. 2011 in Fogera
Woreda, Amhara Regional state. Data were collected ji-om fi ve rural and one urban kebeles of
mothers whose children under the age of five got ill in the last 30 days. A total of 610 swdy
subjects were included in the study. Multi stage sampling techniques was used to reach the
respondents. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed. The data were analyzed
using SPSS window version 15. Odds ratios were calculated using logistic regression model to
CO/llrol confounders. Statistical tests were done at a level of significance ofp<0.05
The results showed that Mothers' health care seeking behavior and action taken when childhood
illnesses persist differ across various demographic, socio economic and health accessibility
characteristics. 89.5% of mothers have observed diarrhea, malaria (fever) and acute respiratory
infections were the most serious child health problem in the study area. Mothers who have one
child are 2times more likely to have been health care seeker than those having more than one
child. The result also revealed that health care seeking behavior for those unmarried mothers
declined by 88% as compared with that of the married mothers. The multivariate analysis
indicates that as educational status increases mothers who seek modern treatment for their
children also increases. Mothers with prim{JJY and higher level of education were 4 times more
likely to seek modern treatment compared to those with no education. Those who have media
exposure were 5 times more likely to seek modern treatmenlthan th ose who (licin 't have exposure
to any type of media. Mothers who engaged in off farm activities were four times more likely to
seek modern treatment as compared with farmers. '. Respondents who earned more Ihan1000
Birr were 3.5 lillles more likely to seek modern treatment as compared with those who earned to
Birr 1000 or less per month. Those mothers who had no contact with health extension workers
did have lesser perception, behavior and practices to treat childhood illness than those who had
contact and discuss with health workers.
Demographic, Socio economic and accessibility of health care services factors were found to be
barriers to mothers ' health care seeking behavior for common childhood illness. Based on the
fi ndings, improving health education, quality of service delivery, and effective behavioral change
and conllnunicalion are recommended to bring about proper health care seeking behavior
Childhood Illness