The Influence of Quality Service Delivery on customer satisfaction: The Case of DHL Services in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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This study's primary goal is to find out how customer satisfaction at DHL Logistics
Company in Addis Ababa is impacted by service quality dimensions. The five
dimensions of SERVPERF (tangibility, assurance, responsiveness, empathy &
reliability) were used to measure the quality of service provided by DHL. In order
to answer the raised research questions, the study used structured questionnaire to
collect the data and test the hypotheses. The study was based on a random sample
of 394customers who visited DHL during this data collection. Version 26 of the
statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the data. The
regression analysis of the data showed that reliability, responsiveness, assurance,
and empathy positively and significantly influence customer satisfaction for the
service delivery of DHL Ethiopia. This means that these four-service quality
dimension determine the nature of services provided by DHL Ethiopia. The
tangibility dimension of the service quality was found not to have a significant
influence in the customer satisfaction for DHL. The study recommends that DHL
Ethiopia might need to pay closer attention on the service quality dimensions of
reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy as they are found to
significantly influence customer satisfaction
Service Quality, Servperf, Customer Satisfaction, Dhl