An Evaluation of Psychosocial Care and Support ' Provided to Children Affected by the Ethio-EritJ'ean War: The case of Ayder Primuy school.

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Addis Ababa University


The purpose of this study was to find out the impact of a war-induced trauma tizing experience upon the academic, hea lth and behavioral status of child ren and provision of psychosocial provis ion to victims. The Ayder Primary School was the research site. The school was bombed on June 5, 1998 at the brink of Ethio- Eritrian boa rder conflict. Sample was drawn from students, parents, teachers and a lso NGOs participating in the provision of care and support. Questionnaires, Focus Group Discussions and Interviews were used as tools for collecting primary data. Moreover, compiled report on Ayder School bombing, news papers, video clips, and photo collections were used as secondary sources of data. The method used to a nalyze the data was Reflective analysis . The study has shown that the bombing incident of the Ayder Primary School and studen ts was followed by sever physical, behavioral, academic and social pro blems upon the s tudents. Regarding the provision of psychosocial care and support to the students, it was found that except the tirele ss parental support other forms of su pports were unsa tisfactory and unorganized due to budgetary and orga nizational problems. Concerning the recovery of the students after the traumatic experience, s milingly majorit r of the students seem to recover from its impact. Some of the factors for this possible recovery included the rea son was observed to be the natural decrease in symptoms of tra umatic stress over time, personal a nd family history, cultural background, experience and more importa ntly crucial pa renta l care and suppor t.



Evaluation of Psychosocial Care
