“Teaching Lumbar Puncture procedures at Yekatit 12 Hospital Medical College Pediatrics Department” - an exploratory and descriptive study

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Addis Ababa Universty


Background- Lumbar puncture (LP) is one of commonly performed invasive procedures during the evaluation of multiple conditions. An incorrectly performed traumatic LP indicates poor technique, worsened diagnostic value, and increased trauma to the patient (5). Objective-To see the teaching-learning process of LP procedure and to identify additional factors for unsuccessful LP procedures in a pediatric department Methods- A descriptive and explorative study was conducted using qualitative methods. The laboratory log book was reviewed to see traumatic CSF samples in pediatric patients. Focus group discussions were conducted with resident, GPs and interns. Key informants were interviewed to see the teaching-learning process of LP and to identify factors for unsuccessful LPs in pediatric. Result- Reasons for performance difference were mentioned as. (I) teaching methodology; (ii) set up for practical activities; (iii) availability of instructional materials; (iv) curriculum; (v) type and number of procedures performed;(vi) number of students; (vii) students‘ or teachers‘ interest; and (viii) a lack of standardized evaluation tools. Factors for traumatic LPs includes: - patient, performer, contextual, & assessment factors. Barriers of Teaching-learning LP includes: - class sizes, language, and instructors‘ commitment. All agreed unsuccessful LP rate in neonates is highest followed by children then adults. Conclusion- unsuccessful LPs in neonate higher than children and adults. Factors for unsuccessful LPs was, skill, age, anatomy and, resources. Gaps were identified in teaching-learning process of LP practice and procedure. Skill assessment was not defined and standardized. Barriers existed including large class size, workload, language, constraints of resources.



Lumbar puncture

