Land Usei Land Cover Change Detection of Chilalo Mountain and Its Surrounding. Arsi Zone. Oromia Region

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Addis Ababa University


LULCC is the quantitative changes in the area extent that is increase or decrease of a given type of LU and LC. In Ethiopia LULCC has been recognized as an important driver of environmental change in the country. Therefore a systematic analysis of LULCC is so crucial in order to understand the extent of the change and take necessary measures. The main objective of this study was to understand the LULC dynamics of Chi/alo Mountain and its environs. More specifically, the study analyzed the LULCC over the past 38 years, assess the impact of LULCC on biophysical and socioeconomic factors and identifY drivers of LULCC in the study areas. The study has made use of sequential satellite images (1973, 1986, 2000 and 2011) and the analysis " carried out using RS and (GIS) in conjunction with field verifications. Moreover socio-economic surveys were also used to interpret the drivers of LULCC and associated negative impact occurring on both biophysical and local community. Accordingly the LULCC analysis showed forestland is continuously decrease during the three comparison period i.e. (1973-1986), (1986- 2000) and (2000-2011) with (20.54 %), (19.61%), and (28.24%) re;pectively. On the other hand crop land showed continuous increment by (9.87 %), (5.92 %), and (59.86%) during the three period. The remaining LUiLC class showedjluctuation, thus increased one period and decreased on other period. The major causes of LULCC in the study area are; deforestation, agricultural expansion, scarcity of farm land, demand for wood, population growth, and fire hazard. These leads to distraction of natural resources such as reduce the availability jlora andfauna, soil degradation, climate change and decline of water resources. It also negatively affects the local :l community through decline livestock number; increase reliance on chemical fertilizer, shortage of water, wood and medicinal plants. Thus in order 10 alleviate the problem possible measure must be taken such as control rale of population growth, agro-forestry, aforestation & reforestation, creating off farm job opportunity etc must be undertake. Key words; land use/land cover, Land use/ land cover change, satellite image, RS, GIS.



land use/land cover, Land use/ land cover change, satellite image, RS, GIS
