Assessment of Reward System on Clerical Employees’ Performance: the Case of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Selected Branches in North Addis Ababa District City Branches

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Addis Ababa University


The purpose of this study was to assess the reward system on clerical employees’ performance: the case of CBE selected North Addis Ababa District city branches. To address the research question, the researcher has conducted interviews with the three branch managers of the selected branches. In addition to this, the analysis was done by the help of SPSS version 20 and presented using descriptive statistics. Tables are used to provide information on the variables. Interpretation is made on the frequency and percentage of the data. The results are investigated in terms of descriptive statistics followed by inferential statistics on the variables. A total of 272 questionnaires were distributed to the employees in the selected branches and a total of 250 employees completed the questionnaire properly. The study’s result has implied that employees of the bank were not motivated by the bank’s reward system. Even though the bank implemented both financial and nonfinancial rewards, currently the financial reward that implemented is not attractive when comparing with competitors and current market. Employees like to be consulted what they need most when they perform better. Therefore the bank should modify the existing reward system especially financial rewards, make available exceptional rewards to retain skilled and high performing employee and also the bank should devise a mechanism to attach rewards with individual performance. Finally, the researcher’s lack of prior experience in conducting systematized research and absence of prior works on the subject matter in Ethiopian context would have some impact on the results of the study that will call up for other researchers to prove the reliability of this study Key words: Reward system, reward types, Employee Performance



Reward system, Reward types, Employee Performance
