Quality Assurance System in Private Higher Education Institutions (PHEIs) (The Case of St. Mary's University College)
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Until recently there were few public higher education institutions in ethiopia. within a
very short period of' time. several public as well as private universities have emerged.
This unplanned expension of higher education is potentially dangerous for the quality of
education. Previous researches with regard to the quality of higher education in Ethiopia
stresses that the quality of higher education has been on declining in general, and a robust
system of quality assurance has been lack in g. Issues of quality and relevance of higher
education need not be viewed in isolation from its expansion.
This particular study is. so designed. as to identify whether appropriate and effective
teaching. support. assessment and learning opportunities arc provided for students in
Saint Mary's university College and check how well the issue of quality assurance
system is addressed by it. Data collected through primary data collection techniques
concerning the issue of quality assurance system of the University College have
thoroughly been analyzed to yield a reliable conclusion on the subject of the study.
Promising trends concerning the quality assurance system of St. Mary's University
College are high level of in structures' awareness of the mission. vision, direction and the
existence of quality assurance endeavor. and high enthusiasm. given the above facts. one
may not hesitate to confirm that there is good prospect of quality assurance in the
university college under consideration. However. there still arc several shortcomings
with regard to scarcity of highly qualified academic staff. high level of academic staff
turnover. large class management . students' level of access to computer. and academic
staff turnover.
Education Institutions, Quality Assurance System